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Family Finds Care, Compassion in Wilson Labor & Delivery

May 18, 2023

As a downtown business specialist for the city of Wilson, Aramith Trimiar promotes his family’s hometown for more than a decade. After his son JR’s recent birth at Wilson Medical Center, he’s now also an advocate of the care his family received close to home.

“When our daughter Autumn was born in another town 12 years ago, we were young parents and had so much to learn,” Aramith says. “This time was different. From the moment we first visited Wilson Medical Center to enroll, everyone was kind, personable and caring.”

Aramith’s wife Brittany was experiencing contractions when she went into labor with JR, and the couple headed straight to Wilson Medical Center. She was in pain when they arrived, and the Trimiars were met with compassion and care, Aramith recalls. “Everyone treated us with urgency and got us right upstairs to our room.”

The room, Aramith noted, was spacious and comfortable, a strong selling point for labor and delivery at Wilson. Even more impressive was the medical attention the couple and their newborn received.

“We knew our nurses by their names within an hour, and you could tell it was more than a job for them – they genuinely love the process of delivery and the patients they serve,” he says.

Brittany went into labor at 9:30, and everything was progressing toward the natural birth they had planned until JR’s heart rate dropped multiple times during delivery. The physician on call calmly communicated with the nurses and the family that an emergency C-section was necessary to keep mom and baby safe. This moment, which could have been overwhelming, was not because of the expertise of the staff, Aramith says.

“The doctor and nurses were so attentive and compassionate,” he says. “They got us right over to the OR, another highlight of our stay at Wilson.”

There, they walked Brittany and Aramith through the process, including letting the proud father cut the umbilical cord post-delivery. The couple’s healthy baby boy Aramith Trimiar, Jr. – affectionately known as JR – arrived without complications.

“Seeing all my wife went through to deliver our son was so moving,” Aramith says. “In that OR, it was obvious that the staff at Wilson Medical Center had a deep appreciation for childbirth and motherhood.”


Aramith Trimiar, Jr


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